Teaching Your Puppy To Sit
Friday, July 21, 2006 at 02:13PM
Ultimate Chin Puppies in Puppy Training

Have you ever gotten really annoyed at your chin because he insisted on barking at your friend and jumping all over them? Or what about preparing his dinner? Sure having him bumping the dish, licking your hands and generally making a nuisance of himself may only happen once or twice a day, and training your puppy will take more time than that. But teaching your puppy good manners is going to last his lifetime and make your time together much more enjoyable.

There are two ways to teach your japanese chin to sit. The easiest way is to use motivational training. Take a treat and get your puppy's attention by holding it in front and just above his nose . Slowly move your hand back over his head. Because he wants to keep his eye on the treat he will have to drop his backside on the floor. As he assumes the position, say "Sit" and give him a part of the treat. This will take practice, but it is a fool proof method of getting an unforced sit. Or you could have the puppy stand beside you on your left side, hold a treat in front of him with your right hand, and gently press down on his hindquarters with your other hand. As you are doing this say "Sit". Since chins are a small dog you may have better success with this method than most people do.

Always say your puppy's name before giving a command so he knows you are talking to him, not someone else. If you have taught your puppy using the unforced method, you will eventually be able to mimic your hand motion that you make with the treat and you will get a nice sit.

Article originally appeared on Japanese Chin Puppies (http://www.ultimatechinpuppies.com/).
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