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Boost Your Pets Immune System

Almost all dog illness can be a result of a weak immune system. Boosting your pets immune system will improve their health and reduce your vet bills. Having a healthy dog starts with feeding a healthy diet. If you're not sure what to feed, or you want to switch from your current dog food ask your veterinarian. A proper diet should have the proper amounts of carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins. The activity level of your dog will also determine what type of food you give your dog.

Also monitor the amount of food your pet consumes every day, and don't give them access to large amounts of food. Giving your pet table scraps or other human food such as nuts, chocolate, and onions is harmful to them and these foods have no place in a dog's diet. After you have laid the foundation for a healthy diet for your pet, you can give them several different supplements to boost their immune system. These supplements are antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin and mineral supplements, liver, and amino acids. As with any change in your pets diet you should consult with your veterinarian. Following are some of the benefits of these supplements:

Antioxidants; Four well known antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and Selenium. You'll find one of these in the following foods - citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, broccoli and red meat. Studies have shown that older dogs given an antioxidant-rich diet have better cognitive skills than other dogs their age.

Omega-3 fatty acids: This acid is found in flax seeds,soybeans, hemp seed, walnuts and other plant based sources. It is also found in cold water fish oils. Often this acid is given to dogs to transform flat dull coats into shiny glossy coats.

Amino Acids: Proteins are mainly composed of amino acids so the food you feed your pet and the protein content in those foods will determine the amount of amino acids your dog gets.

Liver: You need to be careful with this one because the liver stores toxins. If you give it to your pet raw only get it from organically raised cattle, or fry it before giving it to your pet.

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